IL Emergency Broadband Services
Help Your Students Connect At Home
We are excited to be working with Heartland Forward, the FCC and other local partners to make sure eligible residents know help is now available to get them connected during the pandemic.
The federal Emergency Broadband Benefit is a temporary program that provides discounts of up to $50 a month for internet service at home. Participants also get a one-time discount of up to $100 for a device (purchased through a participating provider). A household can qualify if at least one member:
- Participates in a federal assistance programs like SNAP or Medicaid;
- Receives benefits under the free and reduced-price school meal program;
- Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year; or
- Lost a job or experienced a substantial loss of income during the pandemic
The program can only make a difference if the people who need it know about it, so we are asking you to please help spread the word! You can link here to a toolkit of printable and shareable Emergency Broadband Benefit awareness materials, including informational flyers and program applications.
To learn more or to apply, visit: or call (833) 511-0311