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East Principal named assistant superintendent

Dr. Manola headshot with school background
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Leyden High School District 212’s Board of Education announces the transition of Dr. Dominic Manola from East Leyden principal to assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, effective July 1. 

Manola has 10 years of service at Leyden, including roles as principal, activities director, social studies teacher, and director of community outreach. He also worked at Lake Park High School as principal, assistant principal and director of student activities. 

“Dr. Manola has a deep and diverse knowledge of Leyden, having served in many roles during his time here,” said Superintendent Dr. Nick Polyak. “He also has extensive credentials in and passion for curriculum and instruction. I am excited to see him continue the momentum that is already happening here at Leyden.”

Outside of Leyden, Manola is an adjunct professor at both National Louis University and Olivet Nazarene University. He teaches graduate level courses in curriculum and instruction and educational leadership, and he serves as a dissertation committee co-chair. Manola earned his bachelor's degree in social studies and secondary education from Benedictine University; holds two master's degrees from Olivet Nazarene University in School Improvement Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction; and a doctoral degree from National Louis University.

The role of the assistant superintendent is to lead the district’s teaching and learning in alignment with the priorities set forth by the Leyden Board of Education and the Illinois State Board of Education. Larger responsibilities include collaborating closely with department chairs and teachers in supporting district goals, directing professional learning and development and focusing on school improvement priorities and areas of focus.  

“People often ask what I love about Leyden, and my answer always remains the same; Leyden is an incredible place,” said Manola. “Our students, our staff, and our families are amazing! Leyden is foundational to who I am as an educator and leader, and I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to give back to our community in this new role.”

Manola fills the vacancy left by Leyden colleague Dr. Brian Mahoney, who recently accepted the role of assistant superintendent of human resources. The district plans to post the East Leyden principal position this week, with a goal of completing the hiring process by mid-April.