This site is designed to be a one-stop-shop in helping Leyden students determine their high school and postsecondary plans.
Excellence Award
We are very excited to recognize our Excellence Award winners at graduation. This special recognition is what we believe as a district every one of our students should be striving for. In 2012, administrators, teachers, and most importantly students met to establish key categories that define excellence at Leyden. We believe that if a student achieves all seven of these qualifications they deserve special recognition and mention at the end of their high school careers. We also believe that every student entering Leyden has the opportunity to earn the Excellence Award.
Leyden Parent University
Ledyen Parent University is designed to educate parents & guardians on how to empower their children to navigate high school with motivation to do their best so that they have options to choose from following high school! LPU offers a changing menu of 13 presentation topics. Each year, parents and guardians are free to choose three sessions to attend that best suit the needs of their family’s postsecondary planning. All sessions are presented in both English and Spanish. This event is typically held on the last Saturday of April and alternates between the East and West Campus.
Careers Office
The Careers office supports Career and Technical Education Programs, works with local school districts as a part of the DVR organization, and Coordinates the Work Based Learning program. Through this office, Leyden students have opportunities for dual credit, dual enrollment, job shadowing experiences, and mini-internships. The Director of Careers, Mr. Frank Holthouse, can be reach at or by calling (847) 451-3031.
Student Services
The Student Services department provides comprehensive programs and services to promote the academic, social/emotional, and career readiness potential of all students. Student Services professionals are student advocates who work in partnership with other educators, parents/guardians, and community organizations to support the academic, social/emotional, and career readiness needs of all students throughout their high school career in order to assist each student in preparing for their lives after high school.