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While Leyden High Schools District 212 does not plan and/or coordinate class reunions, we do provide listings on this page when we learn of upcoming events.  

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Leyden is offering special 100th Anniversary Reunion Tours for alumni groups during Homecoming weekend of 2024.  

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Upcoming Reunions

Hard to believe it has been 40 years….. We all hope you can attend the reunion.  Please reach out to anyone you keep in touch with and forward the information.  Hope to see everyone at the reunion…..there is a posting on Facebook, but know that not everyone is on FB.  There should also be a posting on West Leyden Alumni page and  If you have not responded on these sites, feel free to respond here.  Liz, Tina, Karyn

"Picnic in the Park"

Come and join your fellow classmates for our 40th High School Class Reunion for a "Picnic in the Park"

Who is Invited:  You and a guest/significant other
When:  Saturday, August 6, 2025 
Time:  11:00 a.m. until dusk
Location:   Pavilion - Mt. St. Mary Park in St. Charles, IL on the Fox River
Website for Mt. St. Mary Park:
Okay, you know who, what, when and where – what else do you need to do???

  • Bring your own food, drinks, chairs, bug spray.  The Pavilion does have picnic tables.
  • Adults only please
  • Pass this info onto other classmates – we have posted information on Facebook, West Leyden Alumni site and Classmates.

Look forward to seeing everyone!!!!!
Donna Carlin, Liz Rejniak, Tina Marino,
             Kathy Lewis, Kris Brandenhoff, Nancy Nickell, Julie Pfefferle

For inquiries, please contact