Residency Verification 2025-2026
This page is for the upcoming school year, 2025-2026
If your student is transferring in for the remainder of this school year, 2024 - 2025, please contact the Assistant Principal's office for an appointment.
West Leyden High School: 847.451.5586
East Leyden High School: 847.451.2067
All new and returning students may be required to provide proof of residency as the first step in the enrollment process for the 2025-26 school year. While most years, only new families need to participate in this process, residency verification for all students occurs periodically to ensure that our schools are accessed by students living within the district. It is important to take action as soon as possible not to delay registration for the upcoming school year.
- Wednesday, March 5th 5:00pm-8:00pm Enter through Entrance 4 or 16
Incoming Freshmen ONLY
- Wednesday, March 13th 4:30pm-6:00pm (East ONLY) at Hester Junior High School
- Saturday, March 8th 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Enter through Entrance 1
Families are welcome to come any time between the hours listed.
*Online Residency/Enrollment (one Snapcode to do both) available starting February 3, 2025.
Below is a list of the required documents:
1. Student’s Original Birth Certificate – FRESHMEN & NEW STUDENTS ONLY
2. Guardian’s Driver’s License or State ID or Passport
3. Custody document or Divorced & Separated Form #3 – FRESHMEN & NEW STUDENTS ONLY
4. Category A (at least one of the following documents)
- Current Signed lease/Updated lease (Must be current prior to August 2025)
- Most recent real estate tax bill (2024 payable in 2025)
- Current mortgage/title/deed document or payment
- Affidavit Residency Form For Property Owner/Renter (Notarized)
- Forms (2a and 2b) are available online - Residency Verification Forms
- Resident Landlord Verification Form (Notarized)
- Resident Landlord Verification Form is available online - Residency Verification Forms
5. Category B (at least two of the following documents)
- Gas Bill
- Public aid card
- Electric Bill
- Medicaid card
- Water Bill/Sewer Bill
- Food stamp card
- Phone Bill
- Pay check stub
- Cable Bill
- City sticker receipt
- Vehicle registration
- Bank statement