Medication Care
**No medications will be administered without the appropriate forms on file in our office**
Students in need of daily or "as needed" medication require Doctor's orders and permission forms on file. This includes Tylenol, allergy, Midol, or any over-the-counter medication. Per school policy, students in possession of any "drug" will be referred to the Deans office for disciplinary action.
The medication forms are available under the Health Forms link. Please note that there are forms for self-administration (EpiPens and/or inhalers only), and for staff administration (everything else). Once the forms are completed and signed by both the Doctor and parent/guardian, the forms and medication (in its original bottle) must be brought to our office. The forms and medication are only kept for the current school year and must be renewed yearly. All medications need to be picked up at the end of the school year or else they will be destroyed.
If you have questions, please call one of the school nurses.