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Leyden continues to plan for the potential use of E-Learning days as needed to due to weather conditions, facility issues, pandemic, and/or other unforeseen circumstances.

In the event of a cancellation of in-person learning for any reason, one of two formats will be implemented: Asynchronous E-Learning or Synchronous E-Learning. 

Asynchronous E-Learning
Asynchronous E-Learning means that students get to learn on their own schedule, within a certain timeframe. Assignments would be posted by teachers in the morning, and students would complete the assignments, at any time throughout the day.  There would be no expectation that students login into Zoom or into class, but rather, complete the assignments by the end of the day.


  • Students must login into Schoology by 1 p.m. and fill out the attendance form in their second period class.
  • Students need to complete class assignments during the E-Learning day.

Synchronous E-Learning
Synchronous E-Learning means that students attend a virtual class session at the same time as their teacher and classmates, according to the bell schedule. The teacher conducts the class live, and in real-time, and coursework may include activities traditionally done in-person such as lecture, group work, activities, and individual assignments.


  • Students will follow the Wednesday In-Service Schedule for the day, logging into Schoology to get the link to their virtual class.
  • Students must be in the virtual classroom within the first 5 minutes of class. 

The overall plan would be for the first day of any E-Learning schedule to be asynchronous. This means that assignments would be posted in Schoology by 9 a.m. and students would need to complete them by the end of the day. If the emergency situation continues longer than one day, the district plans to switch to a synchronous E-Learning schedule for the second day and beyond, as necessary. The synchronous schedule would follow the same format as an in-service (Wednesday) school day bell schedule.

“This plan allows us to remain flexible in our options given the specific circumstances, but informs our school community of the expectations in advance,” said Superintendent Dr. Nick Polyak. 

In any case of a school building closure and the implementation of E-Learning, students and families will receive a phone call, email, and text message, and the information will be posted on the Leyden website and in media outlets as well.

*Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning experiences both require the use of internet connectivity at home. Wireless hotspots are available for students who need household connectivity. Please see your building administrative team to apply.