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Resources for Undocumented Students

DACA Information

Resources To Help You Protect Immigrants: Toolkits & Resources. 

Deportation Defense: Need help? Know your power! 

DACA Rescission: What you need to know about DACA moving forward. 

United We Dream Toolbox: How to protect yourself from immigration raids. 

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights: ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, culture, social, and political life our diverse society. 

Need Help? Call the Confidential Family Support Hotline: Know your rights & protect yourself and loved ones. 

Ultimate Guide for DACA Students

College Resources

College & University Information for Undocumented Students: Admission policies for colleges and universities in Illinois and outside of Illinois. 

Researching Colleges and Developing a List: Questions to ask when creating a college list. 

Scholarship Information

Scholarship Resources for Undocumented Students: Full list of financial aid and scholarship resources 

Guide for Undocumented Students: How to navigate colleges in Illinois

The MALDEF Scholarship Resource Guide: An informative resource guide for students, parents, and educators with an extensive list of scholarships, including many that do not inquire about immigration status

Resources for Students, Parents, and Educators

Resources for Helping Undocumented Youth: A resource guide for students, parents, and faculty.

Community Resources: Useful tools and information for immigrant families.

Stress Related to Immigration Status in Students: A guide with suggestions for how school personnel can support students and families with this unique stressor.

Illinois Immigration Services Directory: Detailed directory of non-profits offering low-cost legal services with attorneys or authorized legal assistance providers.

Reference Guide:  Quick list of non-profits offering low-cost legal services with attorneys or authorized legal assistance providers.

ICIRR Know Your Rights Card: A printable card useful to have on your person should you need to defend your rights.

Action Plan: Key information in case you or a family member is detained by ICE agents.