Volunteering Opportunities
Current Opportunities
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025
Location: Centre at North Park Banquet Hall (10040 Addison Ave Franklin Park, IL 60131)
Event Time: 9:45 – 11:30 a.m. (Volunteer Time: 9:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.)
Volunteer Tasks: We need volunteers to help serve drinks, help with spring themed crafts, and help clean up once the event is over.
Number of Volunteers Needed: 7-10
Volunteer Opportunities at Residential
Hospice Healthcare Group
Companionship Volunteer
Visit patients at home or in a long-term care facility. Companionship may include reading and talking to a patient, writing letters, reading a patient’s personal story, or providing respite and support for the patient’s caregiver.
Pet Therapy Volunteer
Bringing your certified therapy dog on visits can lower symptoms of depression and stress, bringing joy, humor, love and companionship to our patients.
Administrative Volunteer
You may choose to assist Residential Hospice office staff with basic clerical work, like mailing, making phone calls, filing and material preparation.
Come Join Us to Plant Butterfly attracting Plants
in our effort to take a stand for Monarch Butterflies and other pollinators
and earn Volunteer Hours at the same time.
Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers!
DID YOU KNOW: You are not limited to the volunteer opportunities listed here. We will grant credit for any volunteering that helps others that you did not get paid for. Don't forget to log your service hours.
DID YOU KNOW: Each time you volunteer with Unity in Community your earn a raffle ticket for their service scholarship!
Volunteer Opportunities
Please check back to see what opportunities are available and sign up right here on this page! Always remember to social distance, wash or sanitize hands, and wear a mask while working with others.
Volunteers will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once filled, the form and/or contacts will stop accepting responses.
It is VERY important that if you sign up for an event you honor your commitment and SHOW UP!