Announcements - West
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Current Announcements
Calling all Leyden Dancers! Auditions to join Orchesis for the IHSDF Student Choreography competition will take place on Tuesday January 28th at 3:10pm in the East Auditorium. Checkout the QR code on the posters and email Mrs. Naik if you have questions!
Congratulations to the Girls Bowling Team for their 8th place finish in the Prospect Invite's tough field. The Eagles were lead by West senior Claudia Kuta, who earned a medal for her 196 average for the day. Great job girls, and good luck this Saturday at the Fenton Invite
- Athletics
Please update with below:
Boys Volleyball Open Gym and Off Season Conditioning
Open Gym Dates:
Wednesday 1/27 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/4 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/11 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/18 @ East Fieldhouse
Time: 3:30 - 4:30pm
Off-Season Weight Lifting:
Every Thursday starting January 16
Time: 3:15 - 4:15pm
West Leyden Weight Room
The Leyden Percussion Club will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, January 14th, from 3:00-4:00 PM in the ELHS Band Room (D101). No prior experience is needed, we'll teach you everything you need to know, so bring a friend! Contact Mr. Walker with any questions.
Join Fashion Club on Wednesday, January 15th, from 3:00–4:00 PM in Room 235 (Co-lab Hallway)! Learn five hand sewing stitches while creating your very own pin cushion. A great opportunity to improve your skills and get creative. Don’t miss it! Questions? Contact Mrs. Rose!
Hey, Munch Bunch!
We're heading to a Thai restaurant after school on Friday, January 17th. Permission slips are outside of room 204. Submit your signed permission slip by the end of the day on Thursday, January 16th. Spread the word! Hope to see you there!
- Club
A New year means a new you. Try something different! Ski & Snowboard Club will have its first trip, Friday, January 17th starting at 3:15pm. Permission slips are outside Room 206. Come join the fun- no experience is necessary & fun is guaranteed.
- Athletics
There will be a GIRLS SOCCER OPEN GYM on January 14 from 330 pm-430 pm in the East Field House. You can enter the building at ENTRANCE 18
Senior photos are next Monday and Tuesday, January 13th and 14th. Order forms are in your English classes. Underclassmen photo retakes are this Friday, January 10th, in the cafeteria / mezzanine. Check your email for more information.
- Athletics
Boy’s track & field open gym
West campus from 3:25 - 4:25
Meet in the fieldhouse
January 6th thru 17th
- Athletics
Preseason Girls' Track starts Dec. 2 at 3:20 PM for athletes who are currently not in other sports. We will meet at West Leyden, Door 11. Practices run Monday through Thursday only. Contact Coach Durrani for questions.
- Athletics
Boys Volleyball Open Gym and Off Season Conditioning
Open Gym Dates:
Tuesday 12/3 @ East Fieldhouse
Wednesday 1/27 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/4 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/11 @ West Fieldhouse
Tuesday 2/18 @ East Fieldhouse
Time: 3:30 - 4:30pm
Off-Season Weight Lifting:
Every Wednesday starting 12/4
Time: 3:15 - 4:15pm
West Leyden Weight Room